Output from the program is usually in HTML, which is sent to the user’s Web browser. However, there is a special HTML output that can be generated for Quick Tables. See the special commands below.
Output can also be produced in XML, so that the archive can feed the results into other procedures, either for special formatting or for other purposes. XML output is produced if ’TYPE = XML’ is specified. (See below.)
Keyword Possible Specification Default (if no keyword) _____________________________________________________________________ STUdy= path of dataset directory Look for variables only in current directory ROWvar= variable name(s) REQUIRED (separated by spaces/commas) COLUMNvar= variable name(s) No column variable CONtrolvar= variable name(s) No control variable Weight= name of weight variable No weighting Filter= name(s) and codes of filter No filter variable(s) GVARCase= LOWER or UPPER Do not convert all variable names to lower/upper case STRatum= name of variable giving No stratification for sample stratum computing standard errors $1: Force one stratum CLuster= name of variable giving No cluster variable for sample cluster computing standard errors SAvefile= filename to receive output Output sent to screen (overwrite existing file) (standard output) TExt= Yes No text for variables
If a stratum and/or cluster variable has been specified in the command file, standard errors are calculated that take into account the complex design. The confidence intervals created from those standard errors will also reflect the complex design.
By default the percentages, confidence intervals, and weighted N’s are displayed with one decimal place. The user can specify a different number of decimal places by putting that number in parentheses after the desired type of percent. Both the percent and the confidence interval will have the same number of decimal places. For standard errors, Z-statistics, and summary statistics the default is two decimal places. For design effects the default is three decimal places. A different number of decimal places can be specified in parentheses.
The Z-statistic for each frequency is the statistic that controls the color for each cell. Note that this statistic is based on expected values, in the chi-square sense, and it is not based on the standard error (SRS or complex) of the cell percents. By default the Z-statistics are output with 2 decimal places.
Keyword Possible Specification Default (if no keyword) _____________________________________________________________________ Percents= Row (ndec) No percentaging Column (ndec) Total (ndec) OTHERSTats= CONFidence (level) No confidence intervals (level can be 90,95,or 99) SE (ndec) No standard errors DEFT (ndec) No design effect (deft) ZSTAtistic (ndec) No Z-statistics N [of cases] No unweighted N WN [of cases] (ndec) No weighted N
Keyword Possible Specification Default (if no keyword) _____________________________________________________________________ COLORcoding= Yes No color coding of cells or colored headings MISSing= Valid Exclude MD or out-of- range codes on the row, column, and control variables NOTABle= Yes (to suppress entire table Display the table but still get other info) RUNtitle= title or comments for run No title or comments STAtistics= Yes No summary statistics NDECimals= number of decimals in stats 2 LAnguagefile= Name of file with non-English English labels on labels and messages output
Keyword Possible Specification Default (if no keyword) _____________________________________________________________________ QUICKtables= Yes (special HTML output Regular HTML output for insertion into the output from QuickTables) QT_Nsuppress= Yes (suppress the row with No suppression "Unweighted N" or "Total N") QT_WNsuppress=Yes (suppress the row with No suppression "Weighted N")
Keyword Possible Specification Default (if no keyword) _____________________________________________________________________ TYPE= xml (produce XML output) Standard HTML output
Keyword Possible Specification Default (if no keyword) _____________________________________________________________________ TBLProperties= PATHNAME for chart specs file REQUIRED for charts (This is a temporary file, to be passed on to the charting servlet. The TABLES program will generate multiple files from the given filename, if multiple charts are generated because a control variable was specified or because multiple row or column variables were specified.) CH_URL= URL of chart-generation REQUIRED for charts servlet on the server. CH_MAXCHarts= Maximum number of charts to 25 create on this run (1-100) CH_TYPe= Type of chart to create stackedbar (stackedbar, bar, pie, or line) CH_ORientation= Orientation of BAR charts vertical (vertical or horizontal) CH_EFfects= Visual effects for BAR charts use2D (use2D - 2 dimensional; use3D - 3 dimensional) CH_SHOWPcts= Yes (put percentages on the No percentages chart) CH_COLor= Yes (create charts in color) Greyscale charts CH_FONT= Font to use in charts SansSerif CH_WIdth= Width of chart in pixels 600 CH_HEight= Height of chart in pixels 400
Briefly, the variables will cycle in the following order: control, column, row. All of the tables will be produced using the same weight, filters, and other options.
row = spend spend2 spend3 column = ideo, gender percents = column otherstats = N statistics = yes savefile = mytables.htm
study = /sa/sdatest row = spend(1-9) spend2(1-8) column = ideo educ control= gender weight= casewt filters= age(18-50) party(1-3) percents=row column otherstats = confidence(95), WN statistics text savefile= mytables.htm
study = /sa/sdatest row = spend column = ideo percents = column statistics = yes savefile = mytables.htm tblproperties = /sa/charts/mychartspecs ch_url=http://sda.berkeley.edu/chartgen ch_color = yes ch_showpcts= yes