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ANES 2020 Time Series Full Release

Variables Based on Pre-election Interviews

Interest in Politics and Campaigns

V201005PRE: How often does R pay attention to politics and elections
Percent N Value Label
23.5 1,942 1 1. Always
40.0 3,313 2 2. Most of the time
19.2 1,587 3 3. About half the time
16.4 1,360 4 4. Some of the time
0.9 77 5 5. Never

1 -9 -9. Refused

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201006PRE: How interested in following campaigns
Percent N Value Label
52.2 4,320 1 1. Very much interested
34.9 2,890 2 2. Somewhat interested
12.9 1,069 3 3. Not much interested

1 -9 -9. Refused

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0

Information Concerning Address, Registration and House and Senate Candidates

V201007aPRE: Vote section - order of major party candidate names
Percent N Value Label
50.1 4,151 1 1. Democrat first / Republican second
49.9 4,129 2 2. Republican first / Democrat second

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201007bPRE: Vote section - household address preloaded (sample address)
Percent N Value Label
100.0 8,280 1 1. Sample address preloaded

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201007cPRE: Vote section - candidate names preloaded for sample address
Percent N Value Label
5.4 451 0 0. No candidate names preloaded for location of sample address
94.6 7,829 1 1. Candidate names preloaded for location of sample address

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201008PRE: Where is R registered to vote (pre-election)
Percent N Value Label
82.1 6,787 1 1. Registered at this address
9.3 765 2 2. Registered at a different address
8.7 718 3 3. Not currently registered

7 -9 -9. Refused

3 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201009PRE: WEB ONLY: Is R without address registered to vote (pre-election)
Percent N Value Label
100.0 1 1 1. Yes
0.0 0 2 2. No

8,279 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201010PRE: Address of registration given (not registered at sample address)
Percent N Value Label
5.2 40 0 0. Registration address not given
94.8 725 1 1. Registration address given

7,515 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201011PRE: State included in address of registration (not registered at samp addr)
Percent N Value Label
5.5 42 0 0. State not included with registration address
94.4 722 1 1. State included with registration address
0.1 1 2 2. State included with registration address (wrong field)

7,515 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201012PRE: City included in address of registration (not registered at samp addr)
Percent N Value Label
3.9 30 0 0. City not included with registration address
95.9 734 1 1. City included with registration address
0.1 1 2 2. City included with registration address (wrong field)

7,515 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201013aPRE: State of registration (not registered at samp addr; given at REG)
Total Cases: 8,280 (Range of valid codes: 1-99)
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201013bPRE: State of registration (not registered at samp addr; given at REGWHST)
Total Cases: 8,280 (Range of valid codes: 5-86)
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201014aPRE: Registration state same as sample address state (all registrations)
Percent N Value Label
2.3 170 0 0. State of registration not the same as state of sample address
97.7 7,382 1 1. State of registration same as state of sample address

728 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201014bPRE: Registration state (all registrations)
Total Cases: 8,280 (Range of valid codes: 1-86)
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201014cPRE: Senate race in state of registration (all registrations)
Percent N Value Label
45.0 3,396 0 0. No Senate race in state of registration
55.0 4,156 1 1. Senate race in state of registration

728 -2

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201014dPRE: Governor race in state of registration (all registrations)
Percent N Value Label
86.0 6,496 0 0. No Governor race in state of registration
14.0 1,056 1 1. Governor race in state of registration

728 -2

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201014ePRE: Party registration in state of registration (all registrations)
Percent N Value Label
41.7 3,151 0 0. No party registration in state of registration
58.3 4,401 1 1. Party registration in state of registration

728 -2

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201015PRE: Is R registered to vote in preload county
Percent N Value Label
78.7 466 1 1. Yes, registered in county of sample address
20.6 122 2 2. No, registered in other county
0.7 4 5 5. County of sample address is incorrect {VOL - video/phone only}

1 -9 -9. Refused

2 -8 -8. Don't know

7,685 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201015zRESTRICTED: PRE: Is R registered to vote preload county - Other {SPECIFY}
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201016PRE: How long has R been registered at location
Percent N Value Label
17.9 1,343 1 1. 0-1 years
26.1 1,960 2 2. 2-5 years
56.0 4,200 3 3. 5 years or more

9 -9 -9. Refused

768 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201017RESTRICTED: PRE: Name under which R registered to vote
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted - STAFF ONLY

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201018PRE: Party of registration
Percent N Value Label
43.7 1,861 1 1. Democratic party
31.4 1,336 2 2. Republican party
24.2 1,029 4 4. None or 'independent'
0.8 33 5 5. Other {SPECIFY}

9 -9 -9. Refused

2 -8 -8. Don't know

4,010 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201018zRESTRICTED: PRE: Party of registration - Other {SPECIFY}
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201019PRE: Does R intend to register to vote
Percent N Value Label
46.9 337 1 1. Yes, intend to register
53.1 381 2 2. No, do not intend to register

2 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

7,559 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
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