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ANES 2020 Time Series Full Release

Family Composition and Financial Situation

V201501PRE: R living with how many family members
Percent N Value Label
28.3 2,331 0
31.9 2,625 1
14.7 1,211 2
13.5 1,112 3
6.6 547 4
5.0 410 5 5. Five or more

44 -9 -9. Refused

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201502PRE: R how much better or worse off financially than 1 year ago
Percent N Value Label
7.9 648 1 1. Much better off
17.9 1,475 2 2. Somewhat better off
50.5 4,170 3 3. About the same
16.6 1,368 4 4. Somewhat worse off
7.2 590 5 5. Much worse off

28 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201503PRE: R how much better or worse off financially next year
Percent N Value Label
9.3 764 1 1. Much better off
26.8 2,206 2 2. Somewhat better off
52.1 4,280 3 3. About the same,
9.0 742 4 4. Somewhat worse off
2.8 227 5 5. Much worse off

42 -9 -9. Refused

19 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0

Age and Date of Birth

V201504RESTRICTED: PRE: Birthdate: month of birth
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201505RESTRICTED: PRE: Birthdate: day of birth
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201506RESTRICTED: PRE: Birthdate: year of birth
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201507xPRE: SUMMARY: Respondent age
Total Cases: 8,280 (Range of valid codes: 18-80)
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0

Marital Status and Domestic Partners

V201508PRE: Marital status
Percent N Value Label
52.5 4,315 1 1. Married: spouse present
0.1 7 2 2. Married: spouse absent {VOL - video/phone only}
6.9 567 3 3. Widowed
14.8 1,221 4 4. Divorced
2.0 163 5 5. Separated
23.7 1,951 6 6. Never married

55 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201509PRE: Domestic partnership status
Percent N Value Label
19.1 745 1 1. Yes, living with a partner
80.9 3,151 2 2. No, not living with a partner

6 -9 -9. Refused

4,378 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0


V201510PRE: Highest level of Education
Percent N Value Label
4.6 376 1 1. Less than high school credential
16.2 1,336 2 2. High school graduate - High school diploma or equivalent (e.g. GED)
20.4 1,684 3 3. Some college but no degree
7.5 615 4 4. Associate degree in college - occupational/vocational
6.0 491 5 5. Associate degree in college - academic
24.9 2,055 6 6. Bachelor's degree (e.g. BA, AB, BS)
14.4 1,185 7 7. Master's degree (e.g. MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
4.9 407 8 8. Professional school degree (e.g. MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)/Doctoral degree (e.g. PHD, EDD)
1.2 97 95 95. Other {SPECIFY}

33 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201510zPRE: Highest level of Education - Other {SPECIFY}
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -2 -2. Open-end responses available in separate file

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201511xPRE: SUMMARY: Respondent 5 Category level of education
Percent N Value Label
4.6 376 1 1. Less than high school credential
16.4 1,336 2 2. High school credential
34.2 2,790 3 3. Some post-high school, no bachelor's degree
25.2 2,055 4 4. Bachelor's degree
19.5 1,592 5 5. Graduate degree

33 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

97 -2 -2. Missing, other specify not coded for preliminary release

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201512PRE: R: Diploma or GED
Percent N Value Label
79.9 1,067 1 1. Graduation from High School
20.1 268 2 2. GED or other equivalent

1 -9 -9. Refused

6,944 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201513PRE: Spouse partner: Highest Level of Education
Percent N Value Label
5.0 255 1 1. Less than high school credential
18.9 952 2 2. High school graduate - High school diploma or equivalent (e.g. GED)
17.3 873 3 3. Some college but no degree
12.4 628 4 4. Associate degree in college - occupational/vocational or academic
25.8 1,304 5 5. Bachelor's degree (e.g. BA, AB, BS)
14.1 714 6 6. Master's degree (e.g. MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
5.7 286 7 7. Professional school degree (e.g. MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)/Doctoral degree (e.g. PHD, EDD)
0.8 38 95 95. Other {SPECIFY}

16 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

3,213 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201513zRESTRICTED: PRE: Spouse partner: Highest Level of Education - Other {SPECIFY}
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201514xPRE: SUMMARY: Respondent spouse/partner 5 Category level of education
Percent N Value Label
5.1 255 1 1. Less than high school credential
19.0 952 2 2. High school credential
29.9 1,501 3 3. Some post-high school, no bachelor's degree
26.0 1,304 4 4. Bachelor's degree
20.0 1,000 5 5. Graduate degree

16 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

38 -2 -2. Missing, other specify not coded for preliminary release

3,213 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201515PRE: Spouse: Diploma or GED
Percent N Value Label
82.0 779 1 1. Graduation from High School
18.0 171 2 2. GED or other equivalent

2 -9 -9. Refused

7,328 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0

Armed Services

V201516PRE: Armed forces active duty
Percent N Value Label
0.9 74 1 1. Now serving on active duty
10.5 868 2 2. Previously served on active duty but not now on active duty
88.6 7,311 3 3. Have never served on active duty

27 -9 -9. Refused

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0

Employment Status

V201517PRE: R worked for pay last week
Percent N Value Label
55.9 4,607 1 1. Yes
44.1 3,640 2 2. No, did not work (or retired)

33 -9 -9. Refused

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201518PRE: Any work for pay last week
Percent N Value Label
4.1 150 1 1. Yes
95.9 3,488 2 2. No

1 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

4,640 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201519PRE: R on layoff from a job last week
Percent N Value Label
7.6 266 1 1. Yes
92.4 3,219 2 2. No

2 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

4,792 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201520PRE: R temporarily absent from job last week
Percent N Value Label
3.2 102 1 1. Yes, temporarily absent
96.8 3,110 2 2. No

7 -9 -9. Refused

5,061 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201521PRE: R has been informed about returning to work
Percent N Value Label
18.0 48 1 1. Yes
82.0 218 2 2. No

8,014 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201522PRE: R actively looking for work
Percent N Value Label
14.6 486 1 1. Yes
85.4 2,840 2 2. No

2 -9 -9. Refused

4,952 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201523PRE: R could have started job or returned to work last week
Percent N Value Label
75.8 405 1 1. Yes, could have gone to work
24.2 129 2 2. No, could not have gone to work

7,746 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201524PRE: When did R last work
Percent N Value Label
27.6 956 1 1. Within the past 12 months
22.3 772 2 2. 1 to 5 years ago
45.1 1,564 3 3. Over 5 years ago
5.1 176 4 4. Never worked

6 -9 -9. Refused

2 -8 -8. Don't know

4,804 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201525PRE: Did R work every week past 12 months
Percent N Value Label
69.2 3,954 1 1. Yes
30.8 1,756 2 2. No

3 -9 -9. Refused

2,567 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201526PRE: How many weeks R worked past 12 months
Total Cases: 8,280 (Range of valid codes: 1-52)
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201527PRE: How many hours R worked per week
Total Cases: 8,280 (Range of valid codes: 1-150)
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201528PRE: Hours worked per week past 12 months ok
Percent N Value Label
19.2 1,088 1 1. More
11.7 666 2 2. Fewer
69.1 3,916 3 3. About right

39 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

2,570 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201529PRE: Describe R's employment
Percent N Value Label
52.7 4,141 1 1. For-profit company or organization
11.7 920 2 2. Non-profit organization (including tax-exempt and charitable organizations)
9.8 772 3 3. Local government (for example: city or county school district)
5.1 401 4 4. State government (including state colleges/universities)
0.6 49 5 5. Active duty U.S. Armed Forces or Commissioned Corps
4.2 330 6 6. Federal government civilian employee
8.7 683 7 7. Owner of non-incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
5.4 423 8 8. Owner of incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
1.9 146 9 9. Worked without pay in a for-profit family business or farm for 15 hours or more per week

181 -9 -9. Refused

234 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201530RESTRICTED: PRE: What kind of business/industry
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201530yRESTRICTED: PRE: What kind of business/industry [coded]
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201531RESTRICTED: PRE: What was R's main occupation
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201531yRESTRICTED: PRE: What was R's main occupation [coded]
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201532RESTRICTED: PRE: R's most important activities or duties
Percent N Value Label

8,280 -3 -3. Restricted

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201533xPRE: SUMMARY: R occupation status 2 digit
Percent N Value Label
50.7 4,165 10 10. Working now only
3.2 261 15 15. Working now and retired, working >=20 hours per wk
0.4 36 16 16. Working now and perm. Disabled, working >=20 hours per wk
6.0 492 17 17. Working now and homemaker, working >=20 hours per wk
2.2 178 18 18. Working now and student, working >=20 hours per wk
2.9 236 20 20. Temporarily laid off
1.8 148 40 40. Unemployed, no mention of retired, disabled, homemaker or student
20.4 1,680 50 50. Retired, no other occupation
1.9 160 51 51. Retired and working now, working <20 hours per wk or DK/RF hours
3.6 294 60 60. Permanently disabled, not working
0.3 28 61 61. Perm disabled and working now, working <20 hours per wk or DK/RF hours
4.0 333 70 70. Homemaker, no other occupation
1.3 105 71 71. Homemaker and working now, working <20 hours per wk or DK/RF hours
0.7 55 80 80. Student, no other occupation
0.6 52 81 81. Student and working now, working <20 hours per wk or DK/RF hours

57 -2 -2. Refused/Don't know/Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201534xPRE: SUMMARY: R occupation status 1 digit
Percent N Value Label
62.4 5,132 1 1. R working now (if also retired, disabled, homemaker or student, working 20 or more hrs/wk)
2.9 236 2 2. R temporarily laid off
1.8 148 4 4. R unemployed
22.4 1,840 5 5. R retired (if also working, working <20 hrs/wk)
3.9 322 6 6. R permanently disabled (if also working, working <20 hrs/wk)
5.3 438 7 7. R homemaker (if also working, working <20 hrs/wk/incl nonworkg rs both homemaker and student)
1.3 107 8 8. R student (if also working, working <20 hrs/wk)

57 -2 -2. Refused/Don't know/Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201537aPRE: R non-working status - homemaker [mention]
Percent N Value Label
87.3 7,216 0 0. Not mentioned
12.7 1,050 1 1. Mentioned

13 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201537bPRE: R non-working status - retired [mention]
Percent N Value Label
73.2 6,051 0 0. Not mentioned
26.8 2,215 1 1. Mentioned

13 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201537cPRE: R non-working status - permanently disabled [mention]
Percent N Value Label
94.5 7,813 0 0. Not mentioned
5.5 453 1 1. Mentioned

13 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
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