SCF Combined Extract Data

Sequential Variable List

CASEID Case ID (numeric)
WGT Sample weight
YEAR Survey Year
Y1 Case ID with implicate number
YY1 Case ID
X1 Case ID with implicate number
XX1 Case ID
CPI_DEFL Deflator Value
AGE Age of reference person
AGECL Age group of the reference person
HHSEX Gender of household reference person
EDCL Education category of reference person
EDUC Highest completed grade by reference person
FAMSTRUCT Family structure of household
HOUSECL Home-ownership category of household
KIDS Total number of children in household
MARRIED Marital status of reference person
NOCHK Household has no checking account
OCCAT1 Occupation categories for reference person
OCCAT2 Occupation classification for reference person
RACE Race/ethnicity of respondent
RACECL Class of race of respondent
RACECL4 Alternate class of race of respondent
RACECL5 Alternate class of race of respondent
LIFECL Life cycle of reference person
LF Labor force participation of reference person
INDCAT Industry classifications for reference person
EXPENSHILO Households overall expenses over last 12 months
TURNDOWN Household has been turned down for credit in the past 5 years
FEARDENIAL Household feared being denied credit in the past 5 years
TURNFEAR Household has been turned down for credit or feared being denied credit in the past 5 years
BNKRUPLAST5 Household has declared bankruptcy in the past 5 years
FORECLLAST5 Respondent had a foreclosure in the last five years
NOCCBAL Household does not carry a balance on credit cards
ASSET Total value of assets held by household, 2022 dollars
ASSETCAT Asset percentile groups
FIN Total value of financial assets held by household, 2022 dollars
HLIQ Household has any checking, savings, money market or call accounts
LIQ Total value of all types of transactions accounts, 2022 dollars
MMA Total value of money market deposit and money market mutual fund accounts, 2022 dollars
CHECKING Total value of checking accounts held by household, 2022 dollars
SAVING Total value of savings accounts held by household, 2022 dollars
CALL Total value of call accounts held by household, 2022 dollars
CDS Total value of certificates of deposit held by household, 2022 dollars
PREPAID Amount in prepaid card accounts, 2022 dollars
NMMF Total value of directly held pooled investment funds held by household, 2022 dollars
SAVBND Total value of savings bonds held by household, 2022 dollars
STOCKS Total value of directly held stocks held by household, 2022 dollars
BOND Total value of directly held bonds held by household, 2022 dollars
CASHLI Total cash value of whole life insurance held by household, 2022 dollars
OTHMA Total value of other managed assets held by household, 2022 dollars
RETQLIQ Total value of quasi-liquid held by household, 2022 dollars
RETEQ Total value of equity in quasi-liquid retirement assets, 2022 dollars
ANYPEN Pension exists for either reference person or spouse
OTHFIN Total value of other financial assets, 2022 dollars
NFIN Total value of nonfinancial assets held by household, 2022 dollars
VEHIC Total value of all vehicles held by household, 2022 dollars
HOUSES Total value of primary residence of household, 2022 dollars
ORESRE Total value of other residential real estate held by household, 2022 dollars
NNRESRE Total value of net equity in nonresidential real estate held by household, 2022 dollars
HBUS Have active or nonactively managed business(es)
BUS Total value of business(es) in which the household has either an active or nonactive interest, 2022 dollars
ACTBUS Total value of actively managed business(es), 2022 dollars
NONACTBUS Value of non-actively managed business(es), 2022 dollars
OTHNFIN Total value of other nonfinancial assets held by household, 2022 dollars
DEQ Total value of equity in directly held stocks, stock mutual funds, and combination mutual funds held by household, 2022 dollars
EQUITY Total value of financial assets held by household that are invested in stock, 2022 dollars
HOMEEQ Total value of equity in primary residence of household, 2022 dollars
BUSVEH Household has vehicle(s) owned by business
NBUSVEH Total number of business vehicles held by household
VLEASE Total value of leased vehicles held by household, 2022 dollars
PENACCTWD Withdrawals from IRAs and tax-deferred pension accounts, 2022 dollars
MMDA money maket deposit accounts, 2022 dollars
MMMF money market mutual funds, 2022 dollars
STMUTF amount in stock mutual funds, 2022 dollars
TFBMUTF amount in tax-free bond mutual funds, 2022 dollars
GBMUTF amount in government bond mutual funds, 2022 dollars
OBMUTF amount in other bond mutual funds, 2022 dollars
COMUTF amount in combination and other mutual funds, 2022 dollars
OMUTF amount in other mutual funds, 2022 dollars
HSTOCKS have stocks?
NSTOCKS number different companies in which hold stock
WILSH Wilshire index of stock prices
NOTXBND tax-exempt bonds (state and local bonds), 2022 dollars
MORTBND mortgage-backed bonds, 2022 dollars
GOVTBND US government and government agency bonds and bills, 2022 dollars
OBND corporate and foreign bonds, 2022 dollars
FUTPEN future pensions (accumulated in an account for the R/S), 2022 dollars
CURRPEN current value in pension, 2022 dollars
THRIFT Total value of account-type pension plans from R and spouse's current job, 2022 dollars
IRAKH Total value of IRA/Keogh accounts, 2022 dollars
DBPLANCJ Either reference person or spouse/partner has a defined benefit pension on a current job
DBPLANT Either reference person or spouse/partner has DB plan on current job or some type of pension from a past job to be received in the future
DCPLANCJ Either reference person or spouse/partner has any type of account-based plan on a current job
BPLANCJ Either reference person or spouse/partner has both types of pension plan on a current job
ANNUIT Amount R would receive if they cashed in annuities, 2022 dollars
TRUSTS Amount R would receive if they cashed in trusts, 2022 dollars
EQUITINC ratio of equity to normal income
HBROK have a brokerage account
HTRAD traded in the past year
NTRAD number of trades per year
OWN have an owned vehicle
NOWN number of owned vehicles
LEASE have leased vehicle
NLEASE number of leased vehicles
NVEHIC total number of vehicles (owned and leased)
NEWCAR1 number of car/truck/SUV with model year no older than two years before the survey
NEWCAR2 number of car/truck/SUV with model year no older than one year before the survey
FARMBUS compute value of business part of farm net of outstanding mortgages, 2022 dollars
NHNFIN total nonfinancial assets excluding principal residences, 2022 dollars
HDEBT Household has any debt
DEBT Total value of debt held by household, 2022 dollars
LATE Household had any late debt payments in last year
LATE60 Household had any debt payments more than 60 days past due in last year
HPAYDAY Household had a payday loan within the past year
MRTHEL Total value of debt seucred by the primary residence held by household, 2022 dollars
NH_MORT Total value of mortgages and home equity loans secured by the primary residence held by household, 2022 dollars
HMORT2 Have junior lien mortgage not used for purchase of primary residence
HPRIM_MORT Have first lien mortgage on primary residence
HSEC_MORT Have junior lien mortgage on primary residence
PURCH1 First lien on primary residence used for purchase of primary residence
PURCH2 Junior lien on primary residence used for purchase of primary residence
REFIN_EVER Refinanced first lien mortgage on primary residence
HELOC Total value of home equity lines of credit secured by the primary residence held by the household, 2022 dollars
HELOC_YN Currently borrowing on home equity line of credit
RESDBT Total value of debt for other residential property held by households, 2022 dollars
OTHLOC Total value of other lines of credit held by household, 2022 dollars
CCBAL Total value of credit card balances held by household, 2022 dollars
INSTALL Total value of installment loans held by household, 2022 dollars
EDN_INST Total value of education loans held by household, 2022 dollars
VEH_INST Total value of vehicle loans held by household, 2022 dollars
OTH_INST Total value of other installment loans held by household, 2022 dollars
ODEBT Total value of other debts held by household, 2022 dollars
LLOAN1 Total balance of household loans where the lender is a commercial bank, 2022 dollars
LLOAN2 Total balance of household loans where the lender is saving and loan, 2022 dollars
LLOAN3 Total balance of household loans where the lender is credit union, 2022 dollars
LLOAN4 Total balance of household loans where the lender is finance, loan or leasing company, or inc debt consolidator, 2022 dollars
LLOAN5 Total balance of household loans where the lender is a brokerage and/or life insurancer, 2022 dollars
LLOAN6 Total balance of household loans where the lender is a real estate company, 2022 dollars
LLOAN7 Total balance of household loans where the lender is an individual, 2022 dollars
LLOAN8 Total balance of household loans where the lender is an other nonfinancial, 2022 dollars
LLOAN9 Total balance of household loans where the lender is government, 2022 dollars
LLOAN10 Total balance of household loans where the lender is a store and/or a credit card, 2022 dollars
LLOAN11 Total balance of household loans where the lender is a pension, 2022 dollars
LLOAN12 Total balance of household loans where the lender is other, unclassifiable, or foreign, 2022 dollars
PLOAN1 Total value of aggregate loan balance by loan purpose: home purchase, cottage, vacation property, 2022 dollars
PLOAN2 Total value of aggregate loan balance by loan purpose: home improvement, 2022 dollars
PLOAN3 Total value of aggregate loan balance by loan purpose: vehicles, 2022 dollars
PLOAN4 Total value of aggregate loan balance by loan purpose: goods and services, 2022 dollars
PLOAN5 Total value of aggregate loan balance by loan purpose: investments and mortgage loans for other real estate, 2022 dollars
PLOAN6 Total value of aggregate loan balance by loan purpose: education and professional expenses, 2022 dollars
PLOAN7 Total value of aggregate loan balance by loan purpose: other unclassifiable loans, 2022 dollars
PLOAN8 Total value of aggregate loan balance by loan purpose: not used in public data, 2022 dollars
MORT1 Amount owed on mortgage 1, 2022 dollars
MORT2 Amount owed on mortgage 2, 2022 dollars
MORT3 Amount owed on mortgage 3, 2022 dollars
RENT Monthly rent, 2022 dollars
BNPL Amount owed for Buy Now, Pay Later programs, 2022 dollars
NOBNPL Respondent does not use Buy Now, Pay Later
PIRMORT ratio of monthly mortgage payments to monthly income
PIRCONS ratio of monthly non-mortgage non-revolving consumer debt payments to monthly income
PIRREV ratio of monthly revolving debt payments to monthly income
PIRTOTAL Ratio of monthly debt payments to monthly income
PIR40 Household has a PIR higher than 40%
DEBT2INC Ratio of total debt to total income
LEVRATIO Ratio of total debt to total assets
PAYMORT1 payments on first mortgage, 2022 dollars
PAYMORT2 payments on second mortgage, 2022 dollars
PAYMORT3 payments on third mortgage, 2022 dollars
PAYMORTO payments on other loans, 2022 dollars
PAYLOC1 payments on first line of credit, 2022 dollars
PAYLOC2 payments on second line of credit, 2022 dollars
PAYLOC3 payments on third line of credit, 2022 dollars
PAYLOCO payments on other lines of credit, 2022 dollars
PAYHI1 payments on first home improvement loan, 2022 dollars
PAYHI2 payments on second home improvement loan, 2022 dollars
PAYLC1 payments on first land contract, 2022 dollars
PAYLC2 payments on second land contract, 2022 dollars
PAYLCO payments on other land contracts, 2022 dollars
PAYORE1 payments on first other resdential property, 2022 dollars
PAYORE2 payments on second other resdential property, 2022 dollars
PAYORE3 payments on third other resdential property, 2022 dollars
PAYOREV payments on remaining other resdential properties, 2022 dollars
PAYVEH1 payments on first vehicle, 2022 dollars
PAYVEH2 payments on second vehicle, 2022 dollars
PAYVEH3 payments on third vehicle, 2022 dollars
PAYVEH4 payments on fourth vehicle, 2022 dollars
PAYVEHM payments on remaining vehicles, 2022 dollars
PAYVEO1 payment on first other vehicle, 2022 dollars
PAYVEO2 payment on second other vehicle, 2022 dollars
PAYVEOM payment on remaining other vehicles, 2022 dollars
PAYEDU1 payments on first education loan, 2022 dollars
PAYEDU2 payments on second education loan, 2022 dollars
PAYEDU3 payments on third education loan, 2022 dollars
PAYEDU4 payments on fourth education loan, 2022 dollars
PAYEDU5 payments on fifth education loan, 2022 dollars
PAYEDU6 payments on sixth education loan, 2022 dollars
PAYEDU7 payments on seventh education loan, 2022 dollars
PAYILN1 payments on first installment loan, 2022 dollars
PAYILN2 payments on second installment loan, 2022 dollars
PAYILN3 payments on third installment loan, 2022 dollars
PAYILN4 payments on fourth installment loan, 2022 dollars
PAYILN5 payments on fifth installment loan, 2022 dollars
PAYILN6 payments on sixth installment loan, 2022 dollars
PAYILN7 payments on seventh installment loan, 2022 dollars
PAYMARG payments on margin loans, 2022 dollars
PAYINS payments on loans against insurance policies, 2022 dollars
PAYPEN1 payments on loan against first pension plan not previously reported, 2022 dollars
PAYPEN2 payments on loan against second pension plan not previously reported, 2022 dollars
PAYPEN3 payments on loan against third pension plan not previously reported, 2022 dollars
PAYPEN4 payments on loan against fourth pension plan not previously reported, 2022 dollars
PAYPEN5 payments on loan against fifth pension plan not previously reported, 2022 dollars
PAYPEN6 payments on loan against sixth pension plan not previously reported, 2022 dollars
REVPAY total monthly revolving debt payments, 2022 dollars
MORTPAY total monthly mortgage payments, 2022 dollars
CONSPAY total monthly consumer debt payments, 2022 dollars
TPAY Total value of monthly debt payments, 2022 dollars
BSHOPGRDL Shopping for borrowing and credit: great deal of shopping
BSHOPMODR Shopping for borrowing and credit: moderate shopping
BSHOPNONE Shopping for borrowing and credit: almost no shopping
ISHOPGRDL Shopping for saving and investments: great deal of shopping
ISHOPMODR Shopping for saving and investments: moderate shopping
ISHOPNONE Shopping for saving and investments: almost no shopping
BCALL Information used for borrowing decisions: call around
BDONT Information used for borrowing decisions: never borrow
BFINPLAN Information used for borrowing decisions: lawyer, accountant, financial planner
BFINPRO Information used for borrowing decisions: banker, broker, real estate broker, builder, dealer, insurance agent
BFRIENDWORK Information used for borrowing decisions: friends, material from work/business contacts
BINTERNET Information used for borrowing decisions: internet/online service
BMAGZNEWS Information used for borrowing decisions: magazines, newspapers, books
BMAILADTV Information used for borrowing decisions: material in mail, tv, radio, advertisements, telemarketer
BSELF Information used for borrowing decisions: self, shop around, other personal research
BOTHER Information used for borrowing decisions: other sources
ICALL Information used for investing decisions: call around
IDONT Information used for investing decisions: never borrow
IFINPLAN Information used for investing decisions: lawyer, accountant, financial planner
IFINPRO Information used for investing decisions: banker, broker, real estate broker, builder, dealer, insurance agent
IFRIENDWORK Information used for investing decisions: friends, material from work/business contacts
IINTERNET Information used for investing decisions: internet/online service
IMAGZNEWS Information used for investing decisions: magazines, newspapers, books
IMAILADTV Information used for investing decisions: material in mail, tv, radio, advertisements, telemarketer
ISELF Information used for investing decisions: self, shop around, other personal research
IOTHER Information used for investing decisions: other sources
INTERNET Do business with financial institution via the Internet
KNOWL Respondent's knowledge of personal finances
FINLIT Number of financial literacy questions answered correctly
YESFINRISK Respondent willing to take financial risk
NOFINRISK Respondent not willing to take financial risk
CKCONNECTN Why chose main checking account institution: connection through work/school
CKCONVPAYRL Why chose main checking account institution: other convenience, payroll deduction/direct deposit
CKLOCATION Why chose main checking account institution: location of their offices
CKLONGTIME Why chose main checking account institution: always done business there, banked there a long time
CKLOWFEEBAL Why chose main checking account institution: had the lowest fees/minimum balance requirement
CKMANYSVCS Why chose main checking account institution: able to obtain many services at one place
CKPERSONAL Why chose main checking account institution: personal relationship
CKRECOMFRND Why chose main checking account institution: recommended, friend/family has account there
CKSAFETY Why chose main checking account institution: offered safety and absence of risk
CKOTHCHOOSE Why chose main checking account institution: other reason
MINBAL Why no checking account: minimum balance is too high
CANTMANG Why no checking account: can't manage/balance a checking account
CREDIT Why no checking account: credit problems, bankruptcy, does not meet qualifications for an account
DONTLIKE Why no checking account: don't like dealing with banks
DONTWANT Why no checking account: does not want/need a checking account
DONTWRIT Why no checking account: don�t write enough checks to make it worthwhile
NOMONEY Why no checking account: don't have (enough) money
SVCCHG Why no checking account: service changes are too high
OTHER Why no checking account: other
WHYNOCKG Reason household does not have a checking account
SAVRES1 Reason for saving: can't save
SAVRES2 Reason for saving: education
SAVRES3 Reason for saving: family
SAVRES4 Reason for saving: home
SAVRES5 Reason for saving: purchases
SAVRES6 Reason for saving: retirement
SAVRES7 Reason for saving: liquidity/the future
SAVRES8 Reason for saving: investment
SAVRES9 Reason for saving: no particular reason
SAVED Indicator of whether the household saved over the past 12 months
WSAVED spent more/same/less than income in past year
SPENDMOR R would spend more if assets appreciated in value
SPENDLESS R would spend less if assets depreciated in value
EHCHKG people w/o checking accounts: ever had an account?
INCOME Total amount of income of household, 2022 dollars
INCCAT Income percentile groups
INCPCTLECAT Alternate income percentile groups
INCQRTCAT Income quartile groups
NORMINC Household normal income, 2022 dollars
NINCCAT Normal income percentile groups
NINCPCTLECAT Alternate Normal income percentile groups
NINCQRTCAT Normal income quartile groups
BUSSEFARMINC Income from business, sole proprietorship, and farm, 2022 dollars
INTDIVINC Interest (taxable and nontaxable) and dividend income, 2022 dollars
SSRETINC Social security and pension income, 2022 dollars
TRANSFOTHINC Unemployment, alimony/child support, TANF/food stamps/SSI, and other income, 2022 dollars
WAGEINC Wage and salary income, 2022 dollars
KGINC Capital gain or loss income, 2022 dollars
KGINC Capital gain or loss income, 2022 dollars
KGBUS Unrealized capital gains or losses on businesses, 2022 dollars
KGHOUSE Unrealized capital gains or losses on the primary residence, 2022 dollars
KGORE Unrealized capital gains or losses on other real estate, 2022 dollars
KGSTMF Unrealized capital gains or losses on stocks and mutual funds, 2022 dollars
KGTOTAL Total unrealized capital gains or losses for the household, 2022 dollars
FARMBUS_KG capital gains on farm businesses, 2022 dollars
NETWORTH Total net worth of household, 2022 dollars
NWCAT Net worth percentile groups
NWPCTLECAT Alternate net worth percentile groups
FOODHOME Total amount spent on food at home, annualized, 2022 dollars
FOODDELV Total amount spent on food delivered to home, annualized, 2022 dollars
FOODAWAY Total amount spent on food away from home, annualized, 2022 dollars
EMERGBORR Respondent would borrow money in a hypothetical financial emergency
HBORRFF Respondent would borrow money from friends or family in a hypothetical financial emergency
HBORRCC Respondent would borrow money using a credit card in a hypothetical financial emergency
HBORRALT Respondent would borrow money from alternative sources in a hypothetical financial emergency
HBORRFIN Respondent would borrow money from financial services in a hypothetical financial emergency
EMERGSAV Respondent would spend out of savings in a hypothetical financial emergency
HSAVFIN Respondent would spend out of financial sources in a hypothetical financial emergency
HSAVNFIN Respondent would spend out of non-financial sources in a hypothetical financial emergency
EMERGPSTP Respondent would postpone payments in a hypothetical financial emergency
HPSTPPAY Respondent would postpone payments for purchases in a hypothetical financial emergency
HPSTPLN Respondent would postpone payments on loans in a hypothetical financial emergency
HPSTPOTH Respondent would postpone other payments in a hypothetical financial emergency
EMERGCUT Respondent would cut back spending in a hypothetical financial emergency
HCUTFOOD Respondent would cut back on food purchases in a hypothetical financial emergency
HCUTENT Respondent would postpone payments for entertainment in a hypothetical financial emergency
HCUTOTH Respondent would postpone other payments in a hypothetical financial emergency
EMERGWORK Respondent would work more in a hypothetical financial emergency